Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Art of Argument and Blogging Debate

(Image taken from

Okay, so this post is not going to be as inciteful as the title implies(I have copyrighted the title though, so you can not steal it). However, it seems that the art of debate is quickly being lost, and with it, the skills required to share your views in an open forum without unnecessary attack.

Like in the comic above, I believe the mentality of debate has shifted to proving you are right, rather than a comparison of views. Too often people of opposing views decide the other person is wrong. I am not saying that it is wrong to not believe in the same ideals as another person. That is what makes us all unique. However, this type of debate often leads to both parties focusing more on how the other person is wrong, instead of proving their point with facts.

Now, you may be able to guess that this post is brought about by the current U.S. election season. After trolling through the myriad of forums dedicated to the primaries, you may see a trend of rants more than debates; bloggers and posters have decided to spew more rhetoric and propaganda than actually doing the research, effectively combating their blogging "foes," and maybe spreading good ideas and new knowledge to a person who is using unreliable hearsay to make their decision.

In any event, we can not let the art of debate die. As Al Gore (yes it's true) once said, "When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler."

It seems we have taken to hollering, even with facts and law all around us.

diigo it


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

this comment is very deja vu to me...i can't really tell why

sorry about the last comment, guys. I had a typo and it was bothering me.


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