Thursday, January 17, 2008

Why Blogging Sucks

Ok this is going to be a little different. No research. No cute pictures. No reviewing. Just straight rant.

When I started this Arcade blog I did not really know what I was getting myself into. I just wanted to write the first thoughts that came to my head and have people talk about them. I thought it would be easy. And I thought it would be extremely easy with my friends on board. But the reality of the matter is that blogging sucks!

First off there's the biggest issue of getting a decent entry out at least every two days. You can't afford to slack off, otherwise, the blog will die and you would have failed your faithful readers. Well there are four authors on this team so two entries a week should be easy to manage.

Wrong. It is hard writing good reads. I admit I put up some crappy entries but I hope the ones I spent time working on really shine through.

Second of all, you have no idea how much Java and CSS and code I had to sift through to get the blog looking the way it does. I would not have been able to do any of this without the help of other blogs out there dedicated to helping out people like me. A plug in for hackosphere, tips for bloggers, and beta blogger for dummies (that's me). Thank you so much for having these sites, they are essential to the blogging community.

Well these are two of many reasons why blogging is hard work, but... blogging really doesn't suck. I've learned and absorbed an incredible amount in these last two weeks. I've learned about writing, about science and violence, about commenting effectively, about women (hehe), about feedburning and about how the internet works in general. I can do so much more now than ever before! I urge you to start your own blogs, or at the very least to become an active voice in a blog you find interesting. Don't just read the writing. Talk about it. Be heard.

Final verdict? Blogging is tough... but way more than worth it.

diigo it


Nan said...

I think you're absolutely right in that blogging is a difficult task. Not that I know personally, but from what I've heard, it takes a lot of dedication and perseverance to keep a blog going. You have to want the blog to succeed and I'm sure you do. So far, so good. You've written some awesome, thought-provoking posts (eg: Zen of Rats) as well as funny posts (ie: Benny Lava, your attempt at understanding women lol)

The blog isn't a month old yet, so be proud of what you've accomplished so far. Takes time to get results, but you already have some loyal readers and I'm sure they'll keep coming! :)

Bobylon said...

Lol, yea Sama. This blog is truly awesome, and if you can only put out one thought provoking article a week, or every two weeks, you have done a great job. That's what I strive to do, anyway.

Keep your head up. I will continue to support you as much as possible. Also, putting up something funny, or short every once in a while is not bad. People can't be thinking all the time, lol.

ronny said...

I feel you. No Numbers stuff has been quiet for a few days, and even though I posted something new on the blog, our readership halved because there was a break in posts. But props to you guys, you guys have a good blog with some pretty interesting reads...

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