Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Godwin's Law

Hey all. I do not have a serious post just yet. (Those are reserved for thursday nights/friday afternoons) but just to whet your palate, here's something I found amusing and interesting.

Godwin's Law, also known as Godwin's Rule as Nazi analogies, states:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

Anyway, this came about by Godwin's study of memetics; more specifically, the study of internet forums as the conversations became older. He found that there was a correlation (humorous, but true) between how old a topic was and how frequently Hitler or a Nazi analogy was introduced into the discussion.

So next time you are in a rather long winded conversation, talk about Hitler...everyone does it!
diigo it


Sama said...

first of all by writing this you resemble a certain someone...

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