Sunday, December 23, 2007

Technical Writing

Well I woke up about 15 minutes ago and decided on starting this blog. I hope to God that I can contribute something useful to the community of idea hungry readers in hopes that they do "eat this stuff up". It is difficult -- writing I mean. I'm studying to be a bioengineer and the opportunities for writing stories, essays, and poems are, well, almost never there. I'm smirking as I actually think about it.

There is plenty of practice writing technical research papers full of the typical abstracts, methods, results and conclusions. The formula is certain and will most likely never change. But this generally leads to boring research papers where, quite frankly, finding an attention holding article on pubmed is as easy as finding the cliché needle in the haystack.

Or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I'm sorry but I can't place blame on the format. Without it we would be lost in an outpour of information without any decent filtering system in place. We need the format. But what we want is interesting reads. It would be nice to have a superhero that reviews papers for writing creativity. But it would be even nicer to show students who will later become engineers and scientists the value of fascinating writing.

A simple interest in reading is a good start I think.


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